Our Mission
To actively invite people into God's family, to nurture them with Christ's love, and to send them out to serve others.
"All are Welcome" is a core belief of who we are as a people of faith. When Jesus says in John 3:16
"For God so loved the WORLD that He gave His only Son so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but have eternal life,"
He really meant the whole world. Because Jesus came for all, we, too, welcome all. As part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), we feel strongly that God invites everyone to be a part of God's kingdom here on earth so that we can be a part of God's redeeming work of hope and healing in the world. In other words -- All are Welcome!
Here at Alleluia, we live in God’s unending grace by striving to be a “Church Without Walls,” extending our witness into the community and welcoming all. We recognize that every person has a valuable story that carries infinite worth. We are called by Jesus to love expansively and make this unwavering pledge to welcome all people, without exception. We affirm the image of God in people of all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, relationship status, physical or mental ability, health status, and cultural or ethnic identity. In our church family we welcome all regardless of socioeconomic situation, addiction, imprisonment, or anything else that too often divides us.
Please join us as we celebrate the image of God in all people, as we nurture one another in faith, and are then sent out into the world to love and serve our neighbors.
“Farewell to those who want an entirely pure and purified church. This is plainly wanting no church at all.”