Growing in Faith

We believe that helping children and youth grow in their faith AND supporting parents in nurturing their children's faith are among the most important things we do at Alleluia! The goal isn't to "take over" this job from parents (parents will ALWAYS be the most important influence on their child's faith), but to support them in this very important parenting role.

Beginning at Baptism, we seek to help parents nurture the faith of their children through a variety of ministries, including:

Sunday School -- Classes for children ages 2 thru 4th Grade that bring the Bible to life. 

Confirmation -- Teaching for youth in grades 5-8 that includes service, fellowship and mentoring.

ATM -- Alleluia Teen Ministry for high school youth

Milestone Ministry - Celebrating the faith and life milestones in young peoples' lives

Vacation Bible School (VBS)  - a week of fun and learning for ages 3 year olds thru 4th grade

Camp -- Children and youth in grades 2 thru high school can spend a weekend or a week at beautiful Camp Wapo in Amery, WI

Service --  Serving the community and the world are important aspects of all of our ministry with children, youth and families.

Mission Trips -- High School Youth have an opportunity to grow in their faith by experience a week of service

BWCA Trips -- An opportunity for high school youth to get away from their hectic lives and experience this amazing part of God's creation.

No matter your child's age, there is a way to get involved and help them to grow in faith. Just click on the tab to the left with your child's age to find out more!  

Most certainly father and mother are apostles, bishops and priests to their children, if they make them acquainted with the gospel. In short, there is no greater or nobler authority on earth than that of parents over their children, for this authority is both spiritual and temporal.
— Martin Luther