Reaching out in Christ's Name
Alleluia is committed to reaching out to our community and to the world through ongoing mission and service. Throughout the year, there are a variety of opportunities to serve either as an individual or as a family. Service opportunities include:
CommUNITY Food and Coat Drive
This annual event is held to collect food and winter coats, hats and mittens for the Hanover Food Shelf. Drop-off site is staffed by adult and youth volunteers and coincides with Trick or Trunk.
Trick or Trunk
This community event is held the Saturday before Halloween in the early afternoon in the church parking lot. It provides a safe and fun place for children to “Trick of Trunk.”
This annual service event takes place in November after worship. More information is provided prior to the event! Contact Carol with questions.
Just Show Up and Serve FAMILY SERVICE DAY
This yearly day of service for the entire family takes place in April. The format is simple. We gather after worship for a quick meal before being sent out for a variety of service opportunities throughout the community. EVERYONE is welcome to attend. For more information, contact Carol Bauer or Lori DeRoo.
“Faith receives the good works of Christ; love does good works for the neighbor.”